Friday, March 2, 2012

My first care package!

Even though my love has only left last week, I thought I would send my first care package now, since it was going to take a few weeks anyways. And let me tell you, care package making is SO fun, especially if you love organizing/crafts like I do :)

I was debating between a Medium flat rate and a Large flat rate, and I actually initially fit everything into my medium flat rate:
Medium flat rate box full of goodies!
Then I went to the grocery store with my mom and OF COURSE I'm going to buy a bunch more goodies for Nathan! So I went back to using my Large flat rate box. Everything fit in pretty snug after that, but as a tip: If your care package is less that 7lb, you probably don't need to use a flat rate box, because it would be cheaper just to go with a regular box. So if you are going to use a large flat rate, make sure you make it heavy with those trader joe's nuts or whatever it may be :) Another really awesome thing that the U.S Postal Service does is any care package that is military related is $2.00 off shipping! I'm so glad the lady at the post office was kind enough to tell me all of this. 

For my first care package, I decided to add a little stationary kit for Nathan to be able to write letters. I added some papers, envelopes that were pre-addressed with mine and his family's address as well as some blank ones, and some stamps! Domestic rate for letters which is good to know :)
Stationary kit! Wrapped it in ribbon to make it look cute :)
Every care package is obviously going to cater to your marine/soldier/sailor but I found these awesome tiny nutella packets! Instead of getting him a whole jar, I decided I'd get him these 1 time packets so he can just throw it away after he uses it! And who DOESN'T love NUTELLA!
They are really small packets and so cute!
If you're an organization nut like me, you'll understand this next picture. So I got some little packets of fruit snacks and chocolate koala bears for him and I thought it would be much easier to organize his care package that way, and easier for him to keep track of them!
Nutella packets, haichu, fruit by the foot, koala bears, and scooby snacks all in plastic baggies!
I finally gathered everything for his care package, I tried not to overwhelm him with things so I can send little packets every week or two to keep him motivated :)
So many goodies! I hope he likes it :)
And of course you can't have a care package without a love letter :) It's really hard not to cry when you're writing these, and it's really when you are writing a random sentence like "I miss you so much." But my friends have been telling me the letter writing has been the best part, so I am quite excited about this :)
He's my hunny bear, and I've got bear stationary!
I added a checklist of the goodies just so he knows what's in there when he opens it! Hopefully everything gets there!
check list!
So one important thing I learned that if you are sending a care package for your Marine overseas, you have to fill out a customs form! I've attached a picture of it below, but I did not know you had to fill one of these out, and it doesn't take too long, but the nice lady at the post office gave me a bunch of extra, so i can come prepared and have them filled out already!
So official! But hopefully with all this paperwork the package will get there smoothly :)
And now all I have to do is wait a few weeks! & on top of ALL of this fun care-packaging experience, as I was writing this, my love called me for the first time ever! So interesting because it comes from a phone number in the states! We only got to talk for about 15 minutes, but I literally could not stop smiling the entire conversation! My cheeks hurt!
Isn't he so handome!!!!! <3
Tomorrow, he'll be pushing out and our communication will decrease significantly. But, I think I've been so positive and able to get through this deployment so far just because I have stayed calm and patient. I try not to expect too much from him, so every little thing that he is able to do is a big surprise and are little joys to add to my life. And it truly, truly, helps me get through every day. I've also just kept really busy and I count my blessings everyday. A few things I've gotten to do lately:

- Hot Yoga! Oh my goodness, if you want something that is an amazing work out and makes you sweat an ocean, this is your thing! A big thanks to my girl Taylor ;)
- Go out for my best friends birthday! I've been friends with these girls since about the 5th grade and it's just so great being able to stay in touch with them all these years. I know these will be the girls that will be right by me for the rest of my life.
Me, Erika, and Sappy. My girls for life :)
- Applying for scholarships and jobs! I've just been researching a few jobs and "starting" to apply to them... I need to get on that though
- Making time for all my friends; I think knowing that I'm graduating in a few weeks, it makes me really want to hang out with every one so I don't leave UCLA with any regrets!

Alright, this week has been fantastic so far, I hope everyone else has a great rest of their weekend!

Lots of love and Semper Fi <3


  1. looks like you're off to a great start :) send him physical prints of pictures of you two so he can pin them in his sleeping area. last year for my birthday i had friends and family come over and we made a huge scrapbook for him.. he said he looked at it all the time and it was his favorite thing i sent him :) hang in there sara, your attitude and spirit is great! you're right, when you feel like a
    good cry, let it out, its healthy!

    1. I definitely plan on doing that! I need to take my grad photos to send to him too! eek! The FRO just sent us this website that you can make a photobook online and they send it to the boys for free! It' wonderful! Thanks so much Pen, you really are one of the key people that help me get through all of this. love you!
