Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finals week, crunch time!

Alright, so as most of you know, I'm graduating in a week and a half! Ahh! I'm so nervous! I can't believe my 4 years of college has gone by so fast... It seems like just yesterday I was a freshman in a dorm, trying to figure out this dance called college, and now, here I am, about to graduate... I know I've grown a lot since then. I've figured out a lot about me as a person, my strengths, my weakenesses, my passions, and my drive. I've fallen in love, reevaluated my love, and then fallen back madly in love. I've realized how important friendships are. I've seen the good in people, and the nasty. I was superficial and very hard on people, and have learned to be more accepting. I've learned that love is universal, spreading kindness never hurts anyone, and doing things for other people feels great. I'm learning to accept faith into my life, and know that it doesn't have to be an immediate process, and have accepted that it may take my whole life to understand it, and I'm okay with that. I've learned patience. I've learned that hard work will always be rewarded. I've learned that everything happens for a reason, even the things we wish did/didn't happen, there is always a reason for it.

I feel like the last few weeks I've been trying to get in as many hang outs with my friends, make memories to last a life time-but at the same time, me doing all this scares me, because it makes me feel like I'm running out of time. Or that- this is it. That was college, & done. I can't believe it. But looking back, through all the crazy drama and hardships, I would not change a single thing. Over the years, I've realized what it means to be a Bruin. Priding ourselves in everything that we do. Holding ourselves to the highest of standards. Being involved, and putting our whole heart into what we do. Never half-assing. The things that I have learned in the last 4 years, will carry on for the rest of my life.

Meeting Nathan has been one of the greatest things to happen to me, I know it sounds cheesy but being with him has changed me for the better. I think initially in our relationship, we were SO infatuated with each other, we couldn't stand to think of a life with out each other. But at the same time, we were so young and naive, the way we thought about love, that there were so many things that were out of order. The words we said were I love you, but the meaning behind it was not what we both wanted. And I think the time that were apart, we learned so much about ourselves. I've learned what I wanted in love, in a relationship, what I deserved, and I think Nathan realized what he lacked in as a boyfriend, what he needed to work on. I realized that a military relationship is NOT EASY. Not at all, and it really takes dedication and patience to get through it. Once we both came back together, we weren't completely different people, but definitely grew emotionally and mentally. I learned that I need to understand the situation that I'm in, and to be patient with him. He learned to start showing his emotions and him appreciation for me. And we started falling in love again. And the last 6-7 months back together has been the best ever. Getting to see him every weekend was so different from how our relationship was before, and I loved it. We got to be "normal" and I wouldn't take back a single day of it. Of course we argued like normal couples, maybe sometimes more than we should have, but that's what makes us, Us. Nathan & Sara.

Now that he's away, things are REALLY different. When he was in Maryland, he was away, but I knew he was safe. Now, I worry about his safety. I wonder what he's doing, what he's eating, what he's seeing. I pray every day, and some days are better than others. But for the most part, since he's been gone, he's able to call every 2 days, so I patiently wait for 2 days to get that random 6 digit number, and when I get that call, it lights up my life. There is no better feeling in this world than knowing that the love of your life is safe and healthy. When I talk to him, I try to just stay positive, bring up happy things, make jokes, tell him what I did that day. & We make it a point, that every time we talk on the phone, he tells me 1 thing he is excited to do when he gets back. :) That way, he always has something to look forward to!

Alright, that's enough for tonight, back to editing!

Lots of love & Semper Fi <3

My sorority sisters out on the town!

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