Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Waking up at 5AM just so we can talk!

Well I guess the time difference is going to be an interesting one to handle! This morning my Marine was able to iMessage me at 5 in the morning! I was so excited to be able to hear from him, but i was also SO tired! But we got to have a few texts back and forth before he told me I need my rest. :) What a caring boyfriend I have. Even throughout the day we were able to text. It was nice because a lot of conversations tend to be about how much we miss each other and that I am praying for him, it's nice to have just cute flirty texts to each other as if we weren't a million miles a part. I'm sure I'll have plenty more nights like that one, but at least while he's still available to have wifi, it makes it worthwhile.

In a few days, he'll be pushing out to nowhere land, and we both have no CLUE what our communication methods are going to be like. I hope that we're able to email and skype, but I am preparing for not hearing from him for days or weeks. We decided we'll start letter writing, so I was going to send him some envelopes that were pre-addressed, so it would be easier for him :) Hopefully they'll have time to write, I started writing the first one already!

Today has been a good day. I've been just editing a film for my ethnocommunications class, hopefully it'll turn out okay! But after taking this class and everything that's been going on, I realized that I want to make a documentary on Marine Corps girlfriends/wives/fiancees/moms. :) I feel like there are so many documentaries about Marines out in combat, but no one really see's films on the women who support them! I think it would be great to hear their stories, struggles, and strength! If you know of any one that would be interested in helping me out, maybe being part of interviews, let me know! :)

Alright, less blogging, more editing...

Lots of love & Semper Fi <3

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