Sunday, March 25, 2012

2nd CP and Spring Break!

Ah, it's been forever since I've blogged last! Finals took over my life! I was very unlucky and got the stomach flu on Monday, which shot a whole day of studying for me. No bueno. But my finals are over, my film was screened (thank you for everyone who was able to come out!), and I'm done with college. Feels surreal, or I guess, it doesn't even feel different yet. I think it'll hit me once everyone is still taking classes and I'm forced to look for a job. GAWWSHH I hope I find a job, because I KNOW eventually I'm getting kicked out of my house. -__-

So it's been kind of a funky week for me and Nathan. I don't know if he just became incredible busy, but I haven't heard from him in a while. He was able to call on Sunday for like 10 minutes, but that was in the middle of the night. Before that was last Wednesday. I really hope he calls soon, I miss him voice so much. I just wish I could even get a Facebook update on what's going on with him, if he's okay, he's getting his care packages, etc.

So instead of buying him an "Easter/St.Patrick's Day/I love you" card, I decided to make one! I found my scrapbooking box and BOY do I have a lot of scrapbooking material! The reason why I gave up scrapbooking 4 years ago was because it was SO expensive. Still is, but maybe I can make one for some upcoming events I have (Cruise with my sorority sisters, graduation, Nathan's homecoming..) When it comes to arts and crafty stuff, I just LOVE using stickers! I have a sticker book that I used to have a ton of stickers and organized by theme, but it's looking a little sparse, so I'll probably start it up again. I also found these stickers that I was supposed to use for my Senior year scrapbook, but I ended up not putting on the stickers, so it gave me an idea! I told Nathan when I talked to him on the phone that when he gets back, I have to make use of the stickers some how, so he has to take me on all these dates :)

Front! Both holidays he's missed here
A bajillion miles apart...and missing you with all my heart
The back: I put some cute quotes

This weekend was fantastic! On Friday, I went out with some old high school friends to a local bar/club, and just got to catch up. Then on Saturday, I had lunch with Nathan's mom and we walked around Old Town Orange looking through boutiques and getting a bunch of ideas for parties we want to host and gifts we want to make! If only we had all the money in the world! Then we went into the cutest cupcake store called 'The Perfect Circle Cupcakery". Apparently they won "Cupcake Wars" before, which is pretty awesome. Their cupcakes were delicious!!! Can't wait to go back soon.
Delicious :)
The cupcakery!
We tried to make it like a photo frame haha

Then this morning I went out to brunch with one of my best friends Dahra and had mimosas :) It was a great way to start off a lazy Sunday. Then I finished up my package for Nay, I'm going to send it off tomorrow before I leave for my cruise!! It's going to be a funfilled week with girlfriends, no phone, no internet, just gooood ol' relaxing :)
Nay's has such a sweet tooth! Wouldn't be surprised if he got some cavities haha 
Always gotta add the checklist! 
Sending him some pictures from home :)

Last night when I wasn't feeling entirely ecstatic about my love being gone, it's like God sent me a little miracle. Nathan called me at 3AM! granted I was super tired but we still got to talk and it was so wonderful. I was honest with him and told him I just felt discouraged lately and just needed reassurance of his love, and he told me he'll try harder <3 He'll be sending me a letter soon! So excited. And he got me excited for my birthday coming up too. He's seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me, and being able to talk and just be ourselves makes this whole waiting thing, worth it. He's the only person in the world that understands me, and makes me feel like I'm the most important person in his life. I don't know what I'd do with out my boo. He's my Angel. <3 So I just have to pray and have faith, and love him unconditionally, and faithfully. Alright, time to pack up for my cruise tomorrow! See you in a week.

Lots of love & Semper Fidelis <3

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