Monday, March 5, 2012

My first iMovie video of me and my love :)


So I am feeling so much better now! Just been working on little projects and getting back on track with my life to keep myself busy. The only unfortunate thing that has happened recently is I can't find my Country Music Hall of Fame cup and Disneyland sweatshirt, both which were gifts for me from Nathan! I don't know where they went, hopefully they will turn up soon :(

But in the mean time, so as I mentioned before, I am in a documentary film making class, so since I am on my way to finishing up my first film, I've been really into editing films! So I decided to take some photos and video clips from me and Nathan's road trip from Maryland to California we did over summer. We are both originally from the AMAZING state of California, so when I heard he was being stationed at Pendleton, I thought it would be so fun to make a roadtrip out of it! It was 3 days long since we sped through most of it, but it was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity. You definitely get to bond with your partner on a whole new level, since you are on the road for hours at a time, you are able to talk about things that you may not get to talk about in a normal couples situations. That meaning, we definitely had our arguments along the way, but it was so great being able to go through states that I wouldn't usually get a chance to! I loved going to Nashville, even though we only got to stay for an hour or so, it was so fun! And it rained randomly, but we got through it. I remember when we went through Amarillo, I was SO excited because of Jason Aldean's song, but boy was I wrong. That place was tumbleweeds galor. We stopped by pretty much every single Sonics we passed by since Nathan loves slushies (I personally could care less...). I remember one of the Sonics, we went to the drive thru, he asked for a slushie, and they told us no. So we left to go use the bathroom at a convenience store, and 10 minutes later, Nathan went back and asked if they had slushies. -___- lol My boo is a silly man. The pictures are definitely only a fraction of the photos, but I just wanted to be able to put it all together some how. From September till February, it has been so wonderful having Nathan home in California. It was so different from what our relationship was like, seeing each other every 2 months, to seeing each other every week! We got to do normal couple things like, watch a movie, take a nap, do absolutely NOTHING and not feel guilty. It was the best pre-deployment gift any girl could ask for.

Today has been a good day. I'm almost done with my film and I can't wait to start getting started on my next one about Marine girlfriends/wives/fiancees/moms. :) If you have any ideas for it, message me and let me know! Especially if you are in the Orange County area, there is a possibility I will ask you to be in my film :)

Also, my sorority decided to make a sisterhood/philanthropy event out of making care packages for Nathan's unit and I am SO SO SO excited. I know the boys will really appreciate that. If you are in a sorority, you should definitely make it an event! Not only are you supporting our troops, but you are supporting your man, so it makes it more personal :)

Alright time to write my paper that's due tomorrow. Oh the woe's of graduating...

Lots of love and Semper Fi <3

1 comment:

  1. this is adorable :) you guys are so cute
