Sunday, February 26, 2012

Little things in life, that mean the most!

I was able to FaceTime with Nathan 2 days in a row! Granted, he's not even in Afghanistan yet, but an Air Force base near by, so I know this will NOT be how it is in a few days or weeks, but for now, I am the happiest girlfriend alive! They aren't living too shabby right now either! He just informed me he got to have steak and lobster for dinner, ummm excuse me? I don't even have steak and lobster...ever. I'm so happy that he is doing okay though, it definitely makes my day so much brighter knowing that he's not in combat.

So since I've been having such a great last few days, I thought I would write down the little things that just add that extra smile to my day:

- Home videos
 So if your marine hasn't left yet, try to take as many short home videos as you can! I have a few home videos of just us goofing around, me asking him to tell me why he loves me, or advice for when I'm sad, and they really make me smile and laugh. I rewatch them all the time, and it just reminds me of all of the fun memories we've had and we will have when he's home :)

- Make lists! 
I am one of those people who get really excited when I get to organize things, so lists are just so much fun for me. Start making a list of things to put in your next care package. What Nathan's mom and I decided to do was switch off every week sending a care package, nothing too fancy just some snackies, ramen noodles, gatorade packets. I'm sure all you girls know your Marine pretty well, and know those candies and snacks that make him super happy! For Nathan its sour candies, choco pandas, snap peas, dried mangos... just to name a few ;)Also, make lists of surprises and little gifts for him. That way, if you're at CVS or Target and you have your list, you can pick out cards, letter writing things, print out pictures, etc.

- Listening to music. 
So this one, either makes me really happy or really sad. Nathan and I both LOVE country music so when I listen to some of our favorite songs, or any song that has to do with being in love and all that good stuff, it puts me in a good mood. But sometimes it just makes me miss him more... so debatable on this one :)

- Do things for your marine, but do things for other people!
So I know we tend to focus a lot on our Marine, which is fantastic, but I always find it that spreading random acts of kindness to our friends, family, and even strangers give me a good feeling in my heart. Whether its washing your roommates dishes, volunteering, or making a card for a friend that's feeling down, trust me, it'll make you feel at ease, a happy heart, and keep you busy!

- Finding a new hobby! 
So for me its blogging. haha I really get excited being able to have something to do every day that's NOT waiting for Nathan to call or text. It just keeps your productive and busy and like I said, it's the little happinesses in life. But scrapbooking is great, I definitely still love doing that. Books, cooking, exercising, are all fantastic things to do. I have a fitness pass for my gym and every Tuesday, one of my girlfriends and I take a step class and its a great way to hang out with your girls and stay fit!

- Eat healthy!
I know this one sounds kind of funny, but I've always found it that eating a lot of junk food totally makes me feel even MORE depressed than I should be. I know the first thing we want to when we're sad is eat tons and tons of ice cream and watch chick flicks ( I mean, I'm not opposed!) but you definitely feel great when you're exercising and eating healthy! Your body and mind will thank you. :) 

Alright, so that's all I can really think of for now. But I'll definitely be posting more once I start getting in the groove of things :) Not yet in the crazy moments, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually. But thankfully, I have such amazing people in my life. 

Lots of love and Semper Fi <3

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