Monday, February 27, 2012

The tears finally came...

So after a few days of feeling pretty happy, strong, and that I could get through this, the tears finally flowed out of me like a waterfall. I guess I've just been building it up inside me, and one kind-of-sort-of crappy day will just ignite a fire inside you. Thank GOD I have such an amazing group of girls who've got my back, for reals. Esther is the best! It is so nice having someone going through the EXACT same situation (same unit, same company...meaning same deployment) because when certain days are lonely for me, more than likely they are lonely for her too! I think I just needed to let it all out. Being strong, independent, and supportive is a great and necessary thing, but every once in a while, we just need to cry. We're human beings, and we have to express our emotions some how. It felt really good to let it all out though.

This just proves that I'm about to embark on a 7 month roller coaster of emotions. Some days will be good, some days will be bad, but it's all about getting through each day. When I need to cry, I cry. I let it out and I move forward, because if we just sulk and sit around when we're sad, we'll never be able to get to our happy days ahead of us. And I know there are going to be a ton of those!

On a happier note, I discovered MotoMail! You make an account, and you're able to send a message or a picture to your marine, soldier, or sailor and they'll get it to them faster than snail mail! Hurray! If you haven't heard of it, create an account at:

Click here for Motomail :)

Another happy message! So Nathan's mom sent me this link for suggestions for care packages to send your marines! This will be very helpful for the do's and dont's to send :)

Alrighty, enough for today,

Lots of love and Semper Fi <3

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