Monday, February 27, 2012

No more moping around...

So as I was kind of reflecting back on my weekend, I realized, it mostly comprised of me, in my bed, doing pretty much, absolutely, NOTHING. Wow, and I thought I was doing great! But I guess I was unconsciously just being mopey and lazy cause I miss him. Well, no more this week. I need to be active with my life. I can't let sadness get the best of me so this week I plan to get things done! I'm really excited because it is my best friend's 22nd birthday this Thursday so we'll have a much needed girls night out!

I stayed up till pretty late last night waiting for Nathan to FaceTime me and he was able to so hooray! But now they are moving so who knows what the conditions will be like. Just pray for the best.

Here is a picture of us! Isn't he cute with no hair? :)
He's so bundled up in all his clothes! Well, off to start MONDAY off right!

Lots of love & Semper Fi <3

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