Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cooking & Nannying!

Oh my goodness, I can't even remember the last time I blogged! I've just been so incredibly busy with my first week of nannying. It's definitely a ton of fun (mostly because I get to work with an AMAZING family) but I am EXHAUSTED. But I got paid on Friday which was fantastic. I went out and bought my parents some gifts because for the first time in my life, I CAN! And it is seriously the best feeling ever. I might be getting something for myself very soon as well :)

Alright, so over the week, I tried making stuffed bell peppers. Here is the original recipe.
I used Turkey instead of beef, but my one regret it, I needed to get BIGGER peppers! I had so much left over stuffing!
Cut the peppers in half, get the seeds out 
Boil peppers for 6-8 minutes

turkey for the healthy folks

TJ's for the win

ingredients for the stuffing (brown rice, onion, tomato sauce, ground turkey)

 cooking the turkey

and then add everything!

stuff the peppers!

wish they were bigger!

stick in oven for 30-40 min

I'm in love with cooking right now! I'll post my lentils for another post :) Also, things are looking pretty good for my future. A possible career in wedding planning? We shall see! 

Nathan has been at his base for a good while now which is great cause I hear from him at least once every day or two. He tells me how on post, he talks to the boys about how much he misses me and loves me :) Isn't that a great thing to hear from your boyfriend? The care package making party will be in a week! I'm so excited, pictures to come for sure! :)

Okay, I'm exhausted! Hopefully I'll have some more energy next week to blog more!

Lots of love and Semper Fi <3

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